Give in to Grace and Glory: "I Surrender All"
Five stanzas and a refrain that echoes the title, "I Surrender All."
Judson Van DeVenter wrote the lyrics while Winfield S. Weeden created a tune with the same name for this song. It was published in 1896 in Gospel Songs of Grace and Glory. This collection was compiled by Weeden, and is comprised of old and new hymns by various hymnists.
The lyrics emphasize the title's message of surrendering to the Lord, more so in the times of trouble and doubt. This song is categorized as a song for consecration. It is credited to have inspiration from Luke 14:33 and Matthew 19:27. The first line and title are repeated throughout the lyrics and echoes the message and meaning.
Judson W. Van DeVenter (1855–1939) created the song in 1896 and was published in The Young People's Hymnal (edited by James Atkins & William J. Kirkpatrick). Van DeVenter created the hymn while he was conducting a meeting at East Palestine, Ohio for the Sebring Campmeeting Bible Conference. At that time, the author was struggling between switching his profession from art to evangelical work. He finally made the transition to evangelical work in 1896, leaving behind his teaching career in many institutions. When he decided to surrender to God, he wrote this hymn with the theme in mind. He is also the author of 74 other lyrics and songs.
The composer of the song is Winfield S. Weeden (1847–1908). Weeden is native New Yorker and a son of Isaac Weeden and Sarah Farr. His background was in singing school, and he also lead music at many conventions like YMCA, Christian Endeavor, and Epworth League.
Like Van DeVenter, he was transitioned to religious music. When he died, this song's title was carved on his tombstone. Weeden created 11 tunes for sacred music including the melody for this song with the same title.