Free Lead Sheet – Tetris Theme (Korobeiniki)

Free Lead Sheet – Tetris Theme (Korobeiniki)

Free Sheet Music for Tetris Theme (Korobeiniki). Enjoy!

Peddling and Haggling: The Korobeiniki

Ever wonder about the connection between Tetris' Theme and Korobeiniki? Short answer: it is the same tune.

Korobeiniki is a Russian folk song based on the poem of the same name. Nikolay Nekrasov penned this poem in Sovremennik magazine in 1861.

The folk song tells the story of a peddler and a girl. Within the lyrics, the peddler and the girl are depicted as haggling with each other. In another lens, they are seen as courting each under the pretense of haggling. The term "Korobeiniki" means 'peddler' in the literal sense. These peddlers sell a variety of products of small items in their days before revolutionary Russia.

Korobeiniki is a well-known song and theme in Russia. Outside Russia, it is known as the Tetris theme or (A-Type" in the Nintendo game). The name was due to its appearance in the Tetris Nintendo game. It's the entrance to the digital world was due to Hirokazu Tanaka remade the tune in 1989.

Its exposure raised the song to an iconic status alongside the game. The exposure created a revival for the song and longevity and remembrance compared to other folk songs.

Due to its exposure thru the Nintendo game, this theme is one of the most covered themes in the realm of videogame, music, and albums.

With its many variations and its significant presence in both video games and the scene, Korobeiniki or Tetris Theme remains one of the most popular songs to be heard and covered. People might encounter this song in one form and enjoy it in its purest form as a folk song or as a piece instrument using a music sheet.

The transition of Korobeiniki from an unknown folk song to a worldwide hit is phenomenal. The song has evolved and grown into many fields and variations. From a simple folk song to a videogame theme song sensation, Korobeiniki is the surprising and easy-to-the-ear gem that can't be forgotten.

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