Here is a cheer for new beginnings
The words of “Another Year Is Dawning” were originally penned by English writer Frances Havergal before the year 1873 came to a close. She meant for it to be a special greeting card to send to her friends; The caption of the leaflet published by Caswell said “A Happy New Year! Ever such may it be!”. And then it got published as a hymn in her work Under The Surface (1874) and Life Chords (1880). Havergal was born December 14, 1836, in Worcestershire, England so you could tell she would have been all excitement making the poem and sending it off to her printers and then presenting these as her new year giveaways. The anticipation for witnessing a new year full of mercies, joy, and service to God are all in her 24 lines of sacred poetry. She could speak seven languages but her love of writing verses in English was her favorite activity since she was seven years old. She was also a brilliant pianist and singer, which is why she was fondly called the English Nightingale. This was her power since in general during her time women were forbidden to dabble in politics, own property, were always expected to be meekly domesticated and low-key. But Havergal wielded her pen untiringly for she knew time was precious. Her hymns and poetry were her sources of income and inspiration. They included tenets she lived up to.
The tune is Marcato, played briskly and in a heavier manner than Staccato in throughout the passages. This is perfect for the happy vibe of the holiday season and was composed by English musician Samuel Wesley. Wesley was granted a Doctorate in Music by Oxford University when he was but 29 years. He had many years of composing hymns and church music behind him. The tune of “Another Year Is Dawning” is “Aurelia”, and which was the tune used for other hymns as well.