My Personal Website where I document my journey in music, art, and literature, and post free stuff.

New Book! Für Elise – A Complete Practice Guide

Here is my latest book. The purpose of this book is to provide a step-by-step approach to practicing and mastering Beethoven’s Für Elise. Many pianists today do not know how to practice the piano efficiently and hours of valuable practice time are wasted. This book will help you learn the music thoroughly, protect you from unnecessary wasteful practicing, and make the best use of your practice time. Please note that this book is only meant to serve as a guide. There are many different ways to practice and every pianist has their own ideal practice routine. Feel free to skip exercises that you feel may be unnecessary for your skill level and feel free to add variations and exercises that you feel will personally benefit you. However, do not get into a habit of practicing a passage the same way over and over again. The fastest progress is made when a passage is practiced in many different ways from many different angles exercising both the fingers and the mind.






Wohlfahrt 60 Studies For The Violin Op. 45

51jEvFJzRcL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_Here is a new Edition of Wohlfahrt’s 60 Studies For The Violin Op. 45. Each Etude is beautifully fitted so there are no uncomfortable page turns and designed to look pleasing to the eye.

Hard Copy – $5.99 at (Glue Binding)  $7.99 at (Staple Binding)