My Prayer to God: July 20, 2013

My Prayer to God: July 20, 2013

Dear God,

Today I woke up in the morning and I wasn’t happy. I don’t know exactly why but I think its because I was not focusing on You and dwelling on Your law. When I woke up in the morning I was not thinking about You and what You have done for me, I was thinking about my website and what I need to do with it. I was thinking about earthly things. Ever once in a while I remind myself of Your Law, “Seek first the kingdom of God and everything else will come to You” but most of the time I live my life in a way where I don’t seek first the Kingdom of God.

When I go to sleep I want to remember You and when I wake up I want to remember You. I want to think about You as I drive to school or work, and think about You when I eat. When I pray for the food, I want to pray with my heart earnestly thanking You for the blessing of food. I don’t want to take things for granted, or assume that these blessings are supposed to be there for me. Please God, keep my mind on You all the time. Don’t let me forget about You even when I am doing the smallest things. Let you be first and foremost on my mind.

I have often been repeating the verse from Haggai, “Is it time for you to be living in decorated houses, while the house of the Lord lies in waste. Go up to the mountain and bring wood and build a house” I feel lately that I have not be building a temple for You. Instead I have been working a lot of establishing my life and my career. I have not read the bible as I should, nor have I prayed as I should, nor have I given much effort in improving my relationship with You. Help me learn this lesson very deeply. I must build the house of the Lord before any other house of mine. I must dwell upon the law of the Lord and think about it more than any earthly things. Help me God.

I have so many different ideas in my head. There are so many different things that I would like to do. However, I understand from past experiences that I often don’t go through with my ideas. I get scared, or begin to doubt myself, or worse yet I just get lazy. Oh God, please help me through my laziness. I should not allow so much ideas to go to waste when you have given me knowledge, understanding, and ability to do so many things. I want to be very prepared to teach my elementary school classes. Help me work hard and prepare very well. Help me find the best strategies and methods to use in class. Help me be wise in classroom management! I want to teach these kids so much and establish a really good program. Only You have the wisdom to achieve something like that with an unexperienced teacher like me. Help me prepare a good program for my MGC Youth Choir. I want to really engage them into investing their time to serve You. I still don’t know how to do it right, but I want to change the way I run the choir. I want to be strict, but in a better way. I don’t want to take attendance with the choir anymore, but I know I need to do something to keep my choir members engaged and happy. Only you can teach me the best way to go about it. I will do my best to hear Your voice and advise and even change my entire way of running the choir if You ask it.

I have an idea of making a musical with my MGC Church. I don’t know if this idea will work out the way I imagine it to, but I know that if I can get it to work it will be a marvelous thing. Teach me how to do it. I want to say a sermon about “image of God in us” and use all sorts of power points and engaging activities for the youth. Send me that sermon. Open my mouth and say the right words through me. Help me find the right pictures to show to people and the right activities to engage them in. I want my sermon to make an impression on the hearts of the youth so that they remember it. Help me plant the right seeds. Prepare the soil Lord, prepare it.

My little girl Annabel is about to be born. Please teach me the right way to raise her. I want to raise her to be a really strong and reliable solider for You. I know that I am but a weak solider who still needs a lot of work to be able to receive more power from You. I need more faith and boldness. Even with my flaws I know that You can use me to raise a wonderful girl for You. Give her a good and loving heart. Let me stop her when she begins going the wrong way. Help me discipline her so that when the time comes and she finds You, it will be much easier for her to follow You because she has built up good habits in obeying her parents.

Please protect me and my family. Locking the door at night will never protect us. We are only protected when You lock the door Yourself. Whether our door is locked or not, please protect us Lord. When we drive with our seat belts or without please protect us Lord. You are my locked door, and You are my seat belt. You are my defense and I have no other option but to trust in You. Protect Nastia as she goes about on her daily life. Protect Annabel from any harm that can possibly befall a child. If you give Annabel a trusting heart, please protect her from getting kidnapped by strangers. I will do my best to watch over her the best I can, but there are no guarantees with You. If You watch over my family than we will always be safe.

Teach me Lord. Teach me to love more. Teach me to be a spring of water that flows out and feeds the thirsty. Teach me to listen patiently and lovingly to others when they share things that I am not interested in. Help me accept people like You do. Help me see ways in which I can help others. I want to encourage people. I want to bring out their strengths and help them through their weaknesses. Only You can teach me to do that.

Whatever I do today, I hope you will keep me away from temptations and waste of time. There is so much things that I need to do, help me not waste even a second doing useless things. Keep me away from computer games and manga. Keep my heart from longing to do those things. Keep my heart on my work for the Kingdom of God. Let me put my energy there. Keep my motivated as a work Lord.

I give you all of my worries. I know that You are already taking care of me and improving me. Thank You.
