My Prayer to God: July 22, 2013

My Prayer to God: July 22, 2013

Dear God,

Thank you for this wonderful day; for this wonderful time. I got up today in the morning and I feel good. I spent over an hour working on my music curriculum and it feels really good not to procrastinate and to work hard. I know You created us in such a way where we could enjoy life if we just follow Your ways. I always find that when I get lazy and start doing my own things that I don’t really like it. However, when I go against what I want and follow what You want, for some reason I am happy.

I should think of myself as a child in Your arms. Sometimes children don’t understand and start demanding things to go this way or that way. Most of the time it doesn’t work out well when that happens. Thats why parents stop the children. You are my parent who stops me from getting hurt. You stop me from all sorts of bad things that could happen to me if things went the way I want them to. I want to trust You like a child trusts their parents. Please lead me in Your law so I can live happily my short time on earth.

I have a problem with my diploma. I am worrying about it, but I know You can easily take care of it. I don’t know what will happen, and I don’t know if there are any other unforeseen problems, but I know that You are taking care of me all the time and in everything that I do. Please help me complete my diploma process and get my certification with MTAC as quickly as possible. I put it into Your hands and will do my best not to worry about it.

I worry about the hospital and doctors. I worry about the vaccines which the doctors will try to get me to take. I worry about what is truly healthy for my baby. I worry about what I should do. But then I remember that I am so weak on this world. Is there really anything I can do to protect my girl if You decide to take her. There is nothing I can do. I give my daughter into Your care. I trust that You will provide for her, that You will heal her, and that when the time comes You will take her into Your arms whether she is only a baby or 120 years old. It is so good to put my trust into You. It calms me down from any worries that I could have. Glory to You O God.

In this time please keep Nastia and me safe and healthy. We both need to be strong for the baby. Help be a spiritual leader for Nastia. I want her to also be strong spiritually so that she would have comfort in You when things might get painful and difficult for her. Please God, protect her in this time. When Nastia goes to give birth protect her from excessive pain. Protect her from any accidents that the medical staff might do. Protect her from tearing. I know You protect and heal. Please don’t Nastia tear. Please keep the pregnancy completely normally so that even a thought of a C section would not come into the doctor’s mind. Help Nastia be strong so that she wouldn’t request an epideral. Please help her. Make the baby come out on the proper time, not rushed. Make sure that the nurse remembers to give the baby skin to skin as soon as she can. Please help us find a good pediatrician.

I want to continue thanking you. You have given me the best employment in the world. You have given me good people around me. You establish me in front of others. I am healthy, strong, and have friends and family around me. I am in need of nothing. You have given me more than I need. Thank You.

Please be with my little niece Josephine. She has many health issues. Please help her, dear God. May she walk properly, not get sick so often, and not get behind in her school. Help her have a good attitude and give Lyda the wisdom she needs to raise her accordingly. Save Khalil from the ways of this world. Show him Your light so that he can become a follower of You. Teach him to be the man in the family who tries his hardest to raise his kids correctly. Please give both of them the wisdom that they need.

Help me be a good father and raise my children. I am lacking in many ways. I want to be a very good father in my practice. To teach and inspire and to train my kids. Only You can train someone like me to be a good father. Help me be a good husband and to give Nastia the things that she needs from me. Help me calm her down when she is worried, and to help her when she is weak. Help me help her on her spiritual walk so that we both may find inner happiness with You. Please keep her away from the lusts of this world. Keep her away from wasting time with the TV. I pray that You make her fall more in love with You.

To You be all the Glory, because You are the one who enriches my life.
