Free Lead Sheet – Awake, My Soul, And With The Sun

Free Lead Sheet – Awake, My Soul, And With The Sun

Free Sheet Music for Awake, My Soul, And With The Sun by Francois H. Barthelemon and Thomas Ken. Enjoy!

Call of the Morning: "Awake, My Soul, And With The Sun"

Also known as the Morning Hymn, "Awake, My Soul, And With The Sun" is a masterpiece of Thomas Ken (July 1637- March 1711). Its original tune composer was Francois H. Barthelemon (1741- 1808) and is set in G major. Other variations of tune include "Dawn" by Joseph Funk in 1847, "Mainzer" by Joseph Mainzer in 1841, and "The Morning Watch" by Carl F. Price in 1913.

This hymn is part of a collection of hymns, which also include the Evening Hymn and the Midnight Hymn. The hymns are only sung on special occasions. The Morning Hymn had a special mention and performance at Ken's funeral, which coincided with a sunrise. It has six stanzas with the corresponding meter of The hymns were written before 1674, but they weren't immediately published due to restrictions. It was published in Ken's Manual of Prayers for the Use of the Scholars of Winchester College in 1674.

Ken's collection of hymns have great significance in the history of hymnody. These hymns were written in contrast to the established rule of using actual verses of Scriptures as hymns, especially the Psalms. This work was used only by the boys at Winchester College for their private devotions in their private rooms. Despite the restriction, the Morning Hymn's last stanza became popular as the Doxology and frequently used as part of public worship.

The hymn's creator, Thomas Ken, is an English cleric. He was considered as one of the fathers of modern English hymnody. Ken's early life began at Little Berkhampstead, Hertfordshire in 1637. His name was taken from his father, and they owned Furnival's Inn in Somerset. His mother was not named but was known to be the daughter of an English poet named John Chalkhill. His education consists of attending Winchester College in 1652 and Hart Hall (Oxford) in 1656. He earned his B.A. in 1661 and an M.A. in 1664. He began his life as a cleric at Little Easton (Essex), St. Mary's Church (Brighstone on the Isle of Wight), and East Woodhay (Hampshire). He was also appointed the royal chaplain to Princess Mary, wife of William of Orange and future Queen. The appointment was made by King Charles II.

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